
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2023

La palabra "get" en español

 por Jose Luis CT  La palabra "get" es de lo mas usado en el idioma ingles y podría significar muchas cosas según la frase y alguna preposición que la acompañe, así que en este post te presento su uso en contexto.                                                             The Amazing Get Adventure Tom: "I am craving pizza. Let's get a pizza for lunch." Jill: "Great idea! Can you also get me a soda?" Sam: "Guys, we need to get home earlier today. We have a big project due tomorrow." Tom: "Yeah, and don't get drunk tonight. We don't want to get into trouble." Jill: "Let's focus on getting happy instead! I know a fun game we can play later." Sam: "But guys, you don't get it. We need to get to know her better before we can play games with her." Tom: "Get married? Sam, we are too young for that!" Jill: "Let's get there early and...