
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2023

List of 10 Most Common Phrasal Verbs with "Go":

  List of 10 Most Common Phrasal Verbs with "Go": Go ahead Go back Go away Go by Go down Go for Go off Go on Go out Go through List of Questions and Answers using Phrasal Verbs: Q: Should I go ahead and submit my application? A: Yes, go ahead and submit it. Q: Do you want to go back to the store? A: No, let's not go back. Q: Can you make the loud music go away? A: Yes, I'll turn it off and make it go away. Q: When did the new regulation go by? A: The new regulation went by on the first of the month. Q: Why did the stock prices go down? A: The stock prices went down because of the market crash. Q: Are you going for a run this morning? A: Yes, I'm going for a run this morning. Q: Did the alarm go off while you were at work? A: Yes, the alarm went off and brought the police. Q: Should we go on with the meeting or reschedule? A: Let's go on with the meeting for now. Q: Do you want to go out for dinner tonight? A: Yes, let's go out for dinner and try somewhere ...

The mexican corridos

  The Mexican corridos are a type of traditional music that has been passed down through generations in Mexico. It is a style of music that tells stories through song, often about historical events or people. The stories told in corridos are often dark and violent, but they are also filled with emotion and passion. Many people in Mexico and around the world love corridos because they can relate to the stories being told. The music is often played with a guitar and simple percussion instruments, and the lyrics are sung in Spanish. Even though the language may be unfamiliar to some listeners, the emotion and storytelling in the music is universal. One of the most famous corridos is "La Cucaracha," which tells the story of a cockroach that cannot walk due to a missing leg. Although the song may seem silly at first, it has a deeper meaning. The cockroach represents the poor and oppressed people of Mexico, who are trying to survive in a world where they are often overlooked and mi...