List of 10 Most Common Phrasal Verbs with "Go":
List of 10 Most Common Phrasal Verbs with "Go": Go ahead Go back Go away Go by Go down Go for Go off Go on Go out Go through List of Questions and Answers using Phrasal Verbs: Q: Should I go ahead and submit my application? A: Yes, go ahead and submit it. Q: Do you want to go back to the store? A: No, let's not go back. Q: Can you make the loud music go away? A: Yes, I'll turn it off and make it go away. Q: When did the new regulation go by? A: The new regulation went by on the first of the month. Q: Why did the stock prices go down? A: The stock prices went down because of the market crash. Q: Are you going for a run this morning? A: Yes, I'm going for a run this morning. Q: Did the alarm go off while you were at work? A: Yes, the alarm went off and brought the police. Q: Should we go on with the meeting or reschedule? A: Let's go on with the meeting for now. Q: Do you want to go out for dinner tonight? A: Yes, let's go out for dinner and try somewhere ...